Hi, I'm Vanshika Goel

I am a 3rd year student studying Computer Science at PES University, Bangalore. I want to pursue a career in Software Development and Computer Science.

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About me

I'm passionate about Machine Learning, Data Science and Blockchain. I love learning languages, programming and otherwise, and enjoy the process of self-learning.
While at PES University, I've been involved in a lot of club work, projects and extracurricular courses. To name a few, I am Vice Chair at ACM-W and Club Head at The Alcoding Club.
I have experience in Python, C, MERN stack and HTML/CSS, and I'm building my knowledge in Solidity.

Vanshika Goel's Newsletter

This is my weekly newsletter about the latest news or anything interesting in tech and business. Click on the newsletter name to subscribe!


Getting Started with Entrepreneurship

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

Building a Lean Startup

Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship

SQL for Data Analytics


Data Visualisation with Tableau


The Data Science Course 2022: Complete Data Science Bootcamp


Blockchain Specialization


My Portfolio

Here is some of my work that I've done in various programming languages.

Hospital Management System

A DBMS for easier access to patient data using SQL and Streamlit

Vehicle Classification Model

Built using TfLearn libraries in Python, to classify vehicles by type

Communiti: Clubs@PESU

React Native app for all on-campus clubs in PESU

Virtual Classroom

Virtual classroom built using SketchUp


Website built using the MERN Stack


Pitch deck for a Voice Assistant for the elderly


Pitch deck for an app that gives recipes based on ingredients entered.

Contact Me

Bangalore, India